However, every stage also has level-specific goals for you to do. Although, these are a tad generic as well. That’s a VHS tape, for you youngsters out there). Some of these goals are generic such as getting high scores, finding SKATE letters, or finding a Hidden Tape. You are given two minutes for a run with nine goals to finish in each level. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 are skateboarding games with a bent towards arcade-style physics. For New Players Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2/Activision Surprisingly, even most of the soundtrack is back too. And even the original cast comes back along with some current skaters. The level designs are completely the same. Review: Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2ġ+2 is an almost completely faithful remake of the first two Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater games. Thankfully, these remakes of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 restore some shine back to the series. From a mediocre HD collection to utter messes like Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5. More so because it was competently made, than for being a standout title. Since then, it has been a myriad of not so spectacular games that varied widely in quality. The only reason I’m not counting back even further is that I believe Tony Hawk’s Project 8 (2006) was the last legitimately good Tony Hawk game. If you are desperate for a blast of Tony Hawk nostalgia then the $14.99 price tag for this game may fill what you need otherwise, I would suggest you look around for some far superior Skateboarding games already available for the PS3.Let’s be real here, the last 14 years of the Tony Hawk franchise have not been kind. Also, the issues with the controls and graphics were admittedly a let-down. The game left me wanting more in the features department. Like so many other HD remakes, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD seems to fall short of expectations. Overall, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD for the PlayStation Network felt like an average and almost forgettable experience. However, like the graphics, there is that noticeable sterile feeling. There is a satisfying crunch when you fail to pull off a move which will have you smiling. Sound effects fit nicely as your character rolls and flies around the level.

It probably could have benefitted from more music too, as it felt like the tracks available repeated too frequently. There are 14 tracks that randomly play as you go through the levels, but I wish you could have the ability to turn off certain tracks. Musically the game definitely has that late 90’s, early 2000 vibe, with a combination of new and old tracks from the Tony Hawk games. Also, I would have liked to have seen a preview of the moves before I bought them, but maybe I’m being too picky.
Lets play tony hawk pro skater hd upgrade#
As I gained cash I used the Pro Shop to upgrade my player’s skills and buy new moves that would bring in more points and cash.
Lets play tony hawk pro skater hd how to#
I had to play a good couple of hours before I even knew how to properly pull off some of the moves that they were giving me. You basically have to learn as you play, which may be fine for long-time fans of the series, but it has a very high learning curve for beginners. That is one gripe I have with the game: there is no training mode. The other buttons are mapped to moves such as grab, flip, and crouch (which took me some time to figure out that it speeds you up). The left analog stick controls the skater. Since I had never played a skateboarding game before, I really didn’t know what to expect for controls.

I liked the levels that were provided, but I wish there were more of them.

The challenges range from achieving a certain score, collecting the letters S-K-A-T-E and other items, to pulling off certain moves over certain objects. Completing level-specific challenges unlocks new levels, too. These stats can be upgraded between rounds with cash you earn from completing challenges and finding cash laying around the levels. Instead, you just get a set of pre-made skateboarders based off of real life pros with set stats. What really surprised me was the lack of character creation tools in the game.